Welcome! This page is to register for the Called & Gifted workshop sessions at St. Alphonsus Liguori Catholic Church in Zionsville, IN. Please note that participants must be 18 or older. Meetings will be 7:00-9:00 PM ET on the following dates:
Tuesday, February 18
Tuesday, February 25
Tuesday, March 4
Sessions will meet in the All Souls' Center - St. Robert Room. Enter through Door 14. If there is snow or ice, the session will move online.
After the workshop sessions, participants will have the opportunity to participate in Part 2 (a one-on-one interview with a trained team member) and Part 3 (a Discernment-in-Depth small group with a trained team member). Participation in Parts 2 and 3 is highly encouraged but not required. Additional details will be provided during the workshop.
The $70 workshop cost includes physical and digital materials, as well as the follow-up opportunities available in Parts 2 and 3. Staff from any parish are eligible to attend at no cost. Please contact Jessica at [email protected] with any questions.