CMA-24 Social Media Toolkit
CMA-24 Logo Final
CMA-24 Giving Page
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CMA-24 Your Gift Matters
CMA-24 Holy Family Giving Society Wrapper Logo-Color
CMA-24 Holy Family Giving Society Wrapper Logo-B&W
This first video is the “anchor video” for CMA-24. It is the main video and it introduces the 5 ministry impact stories.
Here are the other 5 videos that share the full ministry impact stories:
Office of Vocations - Camp Crux:
Young Adult Ministries:
Clergy Support – Fr. Haan:
College Ministries - BSU:
Catholic Schools – Principals Frey and McNeany:
We also have 6 “satellite videos”, which are 40 to 60 second short videos of the CMA-24 Anchor video, and the 5 ministry impact stories. The intention is for both the diocese social media and parish social media to use these to inform, generate interest, and pull people back to the CMA webpage to watch the longer videos and to pledge/donate. Below are all six satellites for social.
Additionally, below is a YouTube link to the videos for adding to your website:
CMA 2024 videos on YouTube: