Looking for something specific? 2:26 Failed Witness Talks Stories 5:33 Difference between Witness Talk & "Teaching" talk 10:31 Step 1 - Pray 14:38 Most Commonly Missed Parts of a Talk 16:32 Step 2 - Understand Your Role, Know Environment 18:43 Step 3 - Prep Time! 22:42 Why Practicing is Worth it 26:59 Step 4 - Ask Questions 28:09 Step 5 - Organization & Outline 33:06 Step 6 - Sharing Your Story 36:26 Make sure your story is resolved 38:23 How to Help Prepare Someone Else to Give a Witness Talk
Shareables (resources)
Interested in seeing these steps written out? Download this PDF on how to proclaim the faith that you can distribute to people to help them prepare to give a talk.
Looking for quality Catholic videos? Check out the VCAT (Video Catechism) that helps supplement the sacraments, prayer, morality and more!
Witness stories have the potential to go in many directions. Lenny DeLorenzo's wrote a helpful book entitled "Witness" that talks about how we can share stories of grace.
Lenny's Seven Guiding Principles for Sharing a story of Grace. Read more about it on his website!
Tell it as a story
Begin with what happened
Express it in style
Modify it for your audience
Ensure there is sufficient closure
Embrace natural emotions and
Pray and practice
Paul's singing is probably better, but if you've never hear MC Hammer's "You Got to Pray" it might just be worth a listen: