Jim Pechin is a lifetime member of St. Lawrence Parish, Lafayette. He is the father of four children and seven grandchildren. Jim attended St Lawrence School and Lafayette Central Catholic High School, and graduated from Illinois University. He has been involved in parish activities and leadership rolls for most of his life, including Little Rock Bible study, Renew, Christ Renews His Parish, and RCIA. Jim was also a high school teacher of Religious Education.
Over the years, Jim has attended Marriage Encounter, Life in the Spirit Seminars, and Cursillo; he has also worked on Cursillo teams in leadership rolls and was part of the Cursillo Secretariat. Jim has attended many National Forum Workshops including the week long Beginnings and Beyond Workshop. Jim retired from Lafayette Life after 40 years and was the Vice President of Information Technology. He currently works part time at Ivy Tech as a service provider for disabled students, as well as Co-Director of RCIA at St. Lawrence Parish, Lafayette with his wife Connie.