Andrew A. Guljas, AIA, Diocesan Facilities Management Coordinator
The Diocesan Facilities Management Coordinator is primarily responsible for action on building decisions made by Bishop and the Diocesan Building Commission (DBC). Andrew’s duties for the Diocese are basically three fold: 1) Assist parishes and central administration with project planning and facilitate plan review. This assistance can be in the form of guiding projects through a prescribed process of design and construction and assisting in the interviewing and selection of the architectural/engineering and construction teams. This staff member also acts as a liaison between the parish group and the Diocesan Building Commission. 2) Assist parishes and Central Administration in developing a planned maintenance program and survey and record existing facilities conditions to alert users to immediate term, short term and long term needs. 3) Archive Diocesan facilities data for organizing and preserving existing and new construction documents and other facilities data. Proper documentation and review of existing asbestos conditions in diocesan property with the appropriate reporting of these conditions to the federal agency is a vital aspect of the diocesan facility data.
Kent Mikesell, Maintenance Engineer
Kent maintains buildings and grounds at the Bishop's office, the Bishop's residence, the Catholic Pastoral Center, Emmaus House, and other local diocesan properties.