To more effectively proclaim the Gospel for the salvation of souls.
The Diocese is at a crossroads of the potential that lies before us or maintaining the way things have always been until we become extinct
Increased diversity in our Catholic populations
Aging of our traditional Catholic populations
Decreasing attendance in most, but not all, of our parishes
Broad and healthy Catholic school system with slightly decreasing enrollment, increasing costs, and increasing pressure on parish finances
Too many Sunday liturgies, in too many places, too sparsely attended
Dramatic reduction in availability of priests at the parish level due mostly to retirements, even with an average of 1 ordination annually
Parish culture and practices reveal both collaboration and competition, of operating in abundance and scarcity
A. Healthy & Vibrant Diocese
Increasing clarity of Catholic identity and beliefs
Increasing vocations to priesthood and diaconate grounded in pastoral planning
Financial stability and growth
Uniting in Heart 2030 Diocesan Pastoral Plan with a 10 Year Comprehensive Financial Model
B. Healthy & Vibrant Parishes & Schools & Religious Education
Minimum of 500 people attending weekend Mass per pastorate in order to better evangelize
Increasing registered households
> than 50 % of households attending Sunday liturgy
> than 80 % of households engaging in stewardship
Robust and energized evangelization better effected by pastorate model and stronger leadership
Robust and vibrant parish ministry by both clergy and laity
Financial and facilities health and stability
3 Year Parish Pastoral Plans within a 10 Year Comprehensive Financial Model
3 Year Catholic School Strategic Plans within a 10 Year Comprehensive Financial Model in collaboration with the Office of Catholic Schools
Encourage collaboration in pastoral planning process for Greater Lafayette area and Hamilton/Boone Counties
C. Healthy & Vibrant Priests, Deacons & Lay Leaders
Maximizing our priests’ strengths by placing them in better roles
Building stronger priestly fraternity
Co-responsibility – Parish team leadership models led by our strongest pastors
Leverage the role of the Pastorate Director of Operations
Moderate to high level of match of sacramental and pastoral loading to priest strengths
Average work week of 55 hours with delegation, not abdication, of management responsibilities
Engaged in daily prayer, reflection, and spiritual health and development
Ongoing professional growth in capacities and skills
Pastor and leadership formation with monthly check points
Ongoing clergy formation
We journey into the Uniting in Heart 2030 Pastoral Plan by disposing ourselves to being united in the Heart of Jesus Christ so that we might grow stronger in our discipleship
We honor and live by Canon or civil law, diocesan policy and protocols
To develop Parish Pastoral Plans with no more than 3 Sunday Liturgies per priest
We make decisions based upon data, research and analysis
We commit ourselves to the Uniting in Heart 2030 Pastoral Plan rather than working to undermine or weaken the Bishop’s Pastoral Plan
We seek to unite with each other in the Heart of Jesus Christ rather than to stand in isolation from other priests and parish leadership groups